Since the several years from now the computer scientists have been pondering over the problem of mind and computing machine[1]. In the recent time the debate has accelerated the seriousness among the thinkers from various fields of science as well as arts. Many enquire what exactly the mind is? is it also a kind of computing machine? or it is something different. Considering the mind to be alike a computing machine we expect that the computing machine must perform those task which are seemingly natural to human mind. However we encounter many such problems where the machines maintain silence and mind makes a creative activity. There are many such mathematical incidence where the human mind perform with greater superiority over the computing machine. Computing machine though are proven to be excellent in certain computations like performing arithmetic operation, doing statistics, playing games etc they however fail in most fundamental task of doing the deeper mathematics. The real limbs of mathematics are the proofs of the validity or truth. Those proofs are non algorithm and non programmable; till date no such program have been developed which could be executed to perform the proof of theorem[2].
There are few domains where the two differ. These domain also brings out the limitations one over other or the superiority of one over other. Without much detail definition I would like to present those here.
Computing Machine ---------------------------------- Human Mind
Syntactic (Structure) -------------------- Semantic(Meaning)
Deductive -------------------- Creative
Algorithmic -------------------- Non-Algorithmic(Intuitive)
Rule Based -------------------- Not limited to Rule
How? -------------------- Why + What + How
[1] Shadow of the Mind, Roger Penrose
[2] How Mathematician Thinks, William Bayers
Detail elaboration will be posted in next articles.
Jaynarayan, Bangalore, India